Saugerties NY Area August 1992

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Saugerties NY Area August 1992

These photos are from a trip that I took with Dana to go back to my old home town of Saugerties NY. We stayed at a campground about 4 miles from my old house and visited a handful of neat places that I remembered from my childhood. In spite of it being the middle of summer the weather was cool and overcast/rainy for most of the time we were there.

The photos were all taken with my 35mm camera, printed at 3.5x5" and stored in a box for 14 years. I scanned them all in with my Canon LiDE 60 scanner with little color correction, so the photos are still a bit faded.

Catskill Game Farm

The Catskill Game Farm is a privately owned zoo about 45 minutes north of my old home. My Grandmother used to take my brother and me there every summer when she'd come out to visit us. This is one of the very few zoos I've seen that encourages people to feed and interact with most of the animals. They also have the largest petting areas I've seen. The private zoo closed for good on Oct 9, 2006, after more than 70 years in operation.

Haines Falls

Saugerties is just downhill from the Catskill mountains. The first town your come to up the mountain is Haines Falls, home of the North Lake / South Lake State Park. One of our day trips was a climb up to the falls themselves and around the park.

Opus 40

Opus 40 and the Quarryman's Museum is a really neat piece of artwork in Saugerties. It's an old bluestone quarry turned into a giant sculpture. "It is the product of more thirty-seven years of a man's life. His name was Harvey Fite. He worked alone, using his hands and traditional quarryman's tools, while building his masterpiece: Opus 40."

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome

Across the Hudson river and a bit south of Saugerties lies the town of Rhinebeck, home of the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome. This is an active museum of vintage and reproduced airplanes from around the time of World War I. Every weekend during the summer they put on airshows with their planes. Unfortunately it was overcast so the planes were mostly grounded when we went, but we did get to the planes on the ground at least.