Construction Photos

> August 7, 2001 August 2, 2001 <

August 5, 2001

The drywall crew has been working for the last two days or so. Looks like most of it is up, although there are still some large portions to be completed. Glen tells me they want to have the kitchen cabinets in place by Tuesday so they can measure for the countertops which will take 2 weeks to arrive.

We had a crisis on Friday, when Glen called to tell me they couldn't get our hardwood flooring in for 5 weeks. After a quick trip out to the flooring store, it turned out that the problem wasn't with the brand of floor, just with the width of the planking that was selected (which I don't recall having a preference for anyway!) We ordered the 2-1/2" planks instead of the 2-1/4" ones, and they should arrive on site by Tuesday as well.